
13th August Birth of Fidel Alejandro Castro Ruz in Birán, Oriente Province (now Holguín)

September Fidel enters the rural school of Birán

December Fidel sent to stay at the house of the teacher Eufrasita Feliú in Santiago de Cuba

January Fidel enter the Colegio de La Salle in Santiago de Cuba

September Fidel enters the Jesuit Colegio de Belén in Havana

June Fidel graduates from Colegio de Belén. His final school report notes, “Fidel has what it takes and will make something of himself”

4th September Fidel enrols in Law and Social Sciences at the University of Havana

July-September Fidel participates in the failed Cayo Confites expedition to overthrow the Trujillo dictatorship in the Dominican Republic

April While attending a student congress in Bogotá, Colombia, Fidel becomes involved n the uprising known as the “bogatazo”

12th October Fidel marries Mirta Diaz-Balart and they leave for their honeymoon in New York. In 1955 they divorce

1st September Fidel’s first son, “Fidelita” Castro Diaz-Balart, is born

June Fidel graduates from university as Doctor of Law and qualified to practice law

26th July Fidel leads failed assault on the Moncada barracks in Santiago de Cuba. Six days later he is captured

16th October At his trial Fidel makes his “History will absolve me” speech and outlines his revolutionary program. He is sentenced to 15 years imprisonment

15th May Fidel and his comrades are released from prison when Batista grants an amnesty in response to popular pressure

12th June 26th July Movement founded as a clandestine organization, with Fidel as its leader

7th July With legal avenues closed in the fight against Batista, and threats against his life, Fidel leaves for exile in Mexico. Meets Che Guevara for the first time

28th  October Angel Castro Argiz, Fidel’s father, dies in Birán

2nd December 82 expeditionaries, led by Fidel, land on the east coast of Cuba in the yacht Granma

20th  December Dispersed by the enemy, Fidel, Raul Castro, Juan Almeida, Che Guevara, Ramiro Valdes and six other guerrilla fighters meet up in the mountains and regroup in Cinco Palmas

17th February  New York Times journalist Herbert Matthews interviews Fidel in Sierra Maestra

28th May The rebels capture the enemy barracks of El Uvero, their first major success. Fidel later appoint Che comandante

July At battle of El Jigue, Fidel personally leads rebels to victory over Batista’s army which is expelled from the Sierra Maestra

1st January As his military dictatorship collapses, Batista flees Cuba. Fidel enters Santiago de Cuba and calls for general strike

8th January Following his triumphal progress through the island, Fidel enters Havana. The revolutionary government is installed, with Manuel Urutia president, Jose Miro Cardona prime minister, and Fidel head of the Armed Forces. Fidel becomes prime minister six weeks later

22nd March At a mass rally in Havana, Fidel outlaws racial discrimination and adopts measure to protect workers in the lowest paid jobs

15th April Fidel visits United States

5th March At a funeral for 101 victims of a terrorist attack against Cuba, Fidel first uses the slogan, “Partria o muerte” (Homeland or death)

6th July United States declares economic war on Cuba by suspending sugar imports

6th August Nationalisation of U.S. oil refineries, sugar mills and electricity and telephone utilities

2nd September First Declaration of Havana, condemning “the exploitation of man by man and of underdeveloped countries by imperialist finance capital”

26th September Fidel addresses the United Nations General Assembly for 4 hours 29 minutes

3rd January U.S. breaks diplomatic relations with Cuba and closes its embassy in Havana

16th April Following U.S-backed bombing raids on Cuba, Fidel proclaims the socialist character of the revolution

17th April After 4 days of CIA sabotage in Cuba, 1,500 U.S. trained Cuban mercenaries invade Cuba at Bay of Pigs and are defeated within 72 hours

3rd February President Kennedy orders the economic, commercial and financial blockade of Cuba

4th February Second Declaration of Havana: “the duty of every revolutionary is to make the revolution”

27th April First visit of Fidel to Soviet Union

6th August Lina Ruz, Fidel’s mother, dies

12th March Discussing the Sino-Soviet split at a meeting at the University of Havana, Fidel says, “Division in the face of the enemy was never a revolutionary or intelligent strategy”

April Che Guevara secretly leaves for the Congo

3rd October Cuban Communist Party created, with Fidel as First Secretary

28th September At a ceremony on the sixth anniversary of the establishment of the CDRs, Fidel says “We will never build a communist consciousness with a dollar sign in the hearts and minds of men”

9th October Che Guevara assassinated in Bolivia

10th November Fidel visits Chile following victory of Salvador Allende’s Popular Unity government

July Cuba becomes member of the Soviet economic bloc (CAME)

5th September Fidel participates in IV summit of the Non-Aligned Movement in Algiers

17-22 December The first congress of the Cuban Communist Party is held and Fidel declares, “we are the privileged heirs to what other have done”

15th February First Socialist Constitution approved by national referendum

6th October Cuban civilian plane destroyed by a bomb off coast of Barbados killing all 73 persons. Cuban mercenaries Orlando Bosch and Luis Posada Cariles indicted in Venezuela

3-9 September VI Non-Aligned Movement Summit in Havana. Fidel holds presidency for 3 years

18th July Fidel visits Nicaragua for first anniversary of Sandinista victory and promises Cuba’s support against Washington’s “dirty war”

25th October U.S. invades Grenada. 600 Cuban technicians imprisoned and returned to Cuba

18th July At a Latin America trade union conference, Fidel says the choice is either “to pay tribute to the empire or to pay tribute to your homeland”

February Fidel meets with Soviet President Mikhail Gorbachev in Moscow

19th April Fidel launches “Rectification” campaign against bureaucratic inefficiency and corruption

26th July Fidel rejects perestroika as anathema to the principles of socialism, saying “capitalism methods will never build socialism”

26th July Fidel declares that the Revolution will survive even if the Soviet Union should disappear

26th July ANC leader Nelson Mandela attends the Moncada anniversary celebrations and thanks Fidel for his support in the struggle against apartheid

1st January Following the collapse of the USSR Fidel announces the Special Period in Peace Time. Most foreign observers predict that Cuba will also collapse

June Fidel participates in the Earth Summit in Rio de Janeiro arguing “tomorrow is too late” to address environmental problems

July Fidel participates in the II Iberomerican Summit in Madrid and stresses need for solidarity among the peoples of the continent. He visits his father’s birthplace in Lancara, Lugo province

3rd September In a speech in Cienfuegos, Fidel acknowledges Cuba is facing a severe economic crisis, having lost 70% of its purchasing power

3rd October U.S. Congress approves the “Cuba Democracy Act” extending the economic blockade against Cuba to third countries

24th November The U.N General Assembly approves for the first time a Cuban resolution opposing the U.S economic blockade with a vote of 59 to 3

May Fidel attends inauguration of Nelson Mandela as president of South Africa

October At a speech at the United Nations, Fidel condemns the fact that 20 million people die each year of curable diseases and that the arms race continues although the Cold War is over

5th March U.S. Congress passes Helms-Burton Law threatening foreign investment in Cuba

17th October Che Guevara’s remains, discovered in Bolivia, laid to rest in Santa Clara, Cuba

21-25 January Pope John Paul II visits Cuba

6th May Nobel prize-winning author Gabrial Garcia Marquez takes a message from Fidel to President Clinton providing information about the activities of counterrevolutionary terrorist groups based in the U.S.

12th September Miami Five arrested on espionage charges, having infiltrated exile organisations in order to avert terrorist attacks against Cuba 

17th January First visit of Hugo Chavez to Cuba as Venezuela’s head of state

September Fidel speaks with U.S. President Clinton at U.N Millennium Summit in New York

26-30 October Fidel visits Caracas and signs oil and medical agreements with Hugo Chavez

April Fidel plays crucial role in Hugo Chavez’s victory over attempted coup in Venezuela

26th May Fidel attends inauguration of Nestor Kirchner as president of Argentina

1st January Fidel launches a Battle of Ideas

20th October Fidel breaks his arm and fractures his knee in a fall

14th December Fidel and Hugo Chavez establish in Havana the Bolivarian Alternative for the Americas (ALBA) in opposition to U.S. free trade plans

17th November Fidel warns that corruption and generalised theft could undermine the Revolution

30th December Fidel received Evo Morales, president election of Bolivia, in Havana

1st August In a statement read on television by his “assistant” Fidel announces that he had to undergo surgery and temporarily delegates his leadership roles to his brother Raul

28th March Fidel writes his first column for Granma since his illness, “Reflections of Comandante Fidel”

18th February Fidel announces he will no longer accept positions of President and Commander-in-Chief at National Assembly. Raul becomes permanent successor

1st January Cuba celebrates the 50th anniversary of the revolution

July Fidel makes first public appearance in years to greet workers at science centre

April Fidel makes emotional return at 6th Congress of the Communist Party. Received by a standing ovation, he officially resigns his position on the Central Committee